
Gnome in Shade

I'm sure in some way you can thank my parents for this one. Their years of painting Kris Kringle-themed crafts, illustrating leafy Green Man figures and sketching gnarly elfish beings have certainly influenced my drawing "comfort zone" as it pertains to subject matter. I suppose that for context it's worth knowing that I come from a home where crafting contributed to our family's income and where newspapers were regularly subject to creative vandalism.

Anywho, I present to you this small sketch as evidence of the beginning of this artistic journey and as a rather accurate example of my "comfort zone."

Gnome in shade under a mushroom with a moth on his shoe
My hopes are to abandon the typical subject matter and to deviate from my habits of over-sketching, in favor of cleaner, expressive and intentional lines; I hope to work on my ability to introduce action into scenes; better develop compositions as a whole; and brush up on all those fundamentals like perspective, form, lighting, proportions, etc. Ultimately, I'd like to have better control of my drawings. So, farewell, gnomes (for now)! And, onward! 


  1. :Making baby noises: oooo I just wanna pick him up and tuck him in my pocket! The frame on that face is so perfect. I had no idea you came from such a crafty home... it all makes sense now hehe.

  2. Why you draw so gooooooooooooooood!? But yo, that gnome is adorable and awesome and he's so LITTLE! AND FAT! <3

    1. Tehe. D'aw, thanks Bianca. Like I said, "comfort zone."
